Extreme Cold Watch
Wrap your pipes now to prevent damage!
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Don't Water at all Y'all! Turn sprinklers off to conserve water. Read https://www.palomacreek.org/news/conserve-the-water-give-your-lawn-a-winter-breakmore.
Welcome to the Paloma Creek Districts website. We intend the site to be a trusted source for information regarding each District, their operations and activities. Each of the districts is proudly affiliated with the Association of Water Board Directors (AWBD).
We invite you to visit our site regularly to learn more about the Paloma Creek Districts.
Wrap your pipes now to prevent damage!
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Paloma Creek residents are encouraged to familiarize themselves with local emergency preparedness resources.
Prepare for significant drop in temperatures this weekend.
A Winter Storm Watch and Warning are in effect for the North Texas area.
Paloma Creek is made up of five independent Fresh Water Supply Districts that work together to provide services to the residents of Paloma Creek: Denton County Fresh Water Supply Districts https://www.palomacreek.org/8-A, https://www.palomacreek.org/8-B, https://www.palomacreek.org/11-A, https://www.palomacreek.org/11-B, and https://www.palomacreek.org/11-C. Each District has a board of five Directors, who are elected by the registered voters within the boundaries of that District. The Directors engage consultants to advise and conduct the Districts' business. The Districts provide for the development and maintenance of public water, sanitary sewer, storm drainage, and paving infrastructure, as well as emergency services, trash and recycling, and some recreational amenities. Each District has the authority to levy an ad valorem tax (property tax) on its residents to fund the costs of those facilities and services.